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Employee Engagement

An engaged employee is one who has an emotional investment in her organization and the work she does on its behalf. Job satisfaction or being happy on the job are only part of the engagement equation.  JMG consultants can help your organization design, implement and evaluate policies and programs to increase employee engagement.

Supervisor Training

Leadership development and supervisor training take many forms.  JMG can assist your organization with program design and development for all corporate levels, including first-line leader development and executive succession planning. JMG consultants help design and implement performance management,  performance planning and appraisal systems to incorporate unique behavioral expectations based on specific cultural goals.


OD & Planning
JMG provides expert guidance for change management, team development & facilitation and organizational learning..The field of organizational development is one that takes a systems approach to all apects of an enterprise. Organization Development is often described as an effort that is... (1) planned, (2) organization-wide, and (3) supported from the top, to (4) increase organization effectiveness and employee engagement through (5) planned interventions in the organizations "processes,” using behavioral-science knowledge." JMG can help.

Human Resources & Training

"The person in peak-experiences feels himself, more than other times, to be the responsible, active, creating center of his activities and of his perceptions. He feels more like a prime-mover, more self-determined (rather than caused, determined, helpless, dependent, passive, weak, bossed). He feels himself to be his own boss, fully responsible, fully volitional, with more "free-will" than at other times, master of his fate, an agent."

--Abraham H. Maslow

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